Colt Starting Dancing - Learning to Pony [Slideshow]

After having accepted the cinch and learnt to trust me and communicate well on the ground, I started to teach Dancing to pony.
I see several benefits of ponying for young horses:
- I can take them on trail rides next to a good uncle horse and show them wild animals, puddles, jumps – they learn how to behave in a group of horses and learn that the big outside world isn’t scary
- They already see the human above them and start to accept communication from up there. I can touch them with the stick all over the body getting them used to sudden movements and touch.
I stayed for 2 sessions in the big outdoor arena. She was pretty surprised to see me up high on a horse she didn’t know and it took her a while to accept that this was not the time to talk to and kick Sahel.
It also took her a while to realize that I was still friendly even up high. But already in the second session (pictures), she got the concept of synchronizing with Sahel.
For the third session, we went out into the forest and took her owner Carol with us on Berti. Dancing did very well, definitely enjoying the change of program and environment a lot. Trotting along, looking where to put her feet and simply being happy. Unfortunately, there are no pics of this trail ride.
Enjoy the pictures: Dancing learns to synchronize with Sahel
Read more about Dancing's Colt Starting
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